Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who Am I?

What a wonderful question! We ask it of ourselves and others all the time. But in all the living I have packed in my relatively short life, I am not sure of the answer. Of course there are things I know about myself, some which I love and others which I am not so thrilled with. But who I truly am, wow... will I ever know this or fully grasp in entirety who I am? I do not know if anyone knows this until the end and even then do we really ever know the impact we have had on others and lives around us? And all of that, the memories we helped create, the feelings we instilled, the joy we brought, the tears we caused, are they not all a part of who we ultimately are? So can we really ever know who we fully and truly are? I do not know.
But thankfully when others want to know you and who you are it is a much more narrowed view. In the scheme of life, and in reality the things we often ask of people in a meager attempt to know them better are small and for many quite easy to rattle off in a matter of minutes and we clutch these together in some manner of glee or foreboding feeling as if we now know this person. Maybe we do, and more likely we do not. But many kudos to those who really do try.
Some of us seem to be able to "read" people and often gather what kind of person they are in the moment quite quickly. While this is helpful for the one observing in knowing the intentions of the other and thus hopefully avoiding any misunderstandings or mistakes, it is still so limiting. For though one might "read" who this person is, we so very often do not have a clue as to why or how the person became who they are in that moment and thus may not be truly "reading" the person at all. It would be like a person reading one page from a book and saying they knew the book. They may....but they also may not.
So back to square one... who am I? I am still learning and waiting to find out! But of the things I do know, I am happy to share.

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