Monday, July 7, 2014


The other day while on a social media site perusing what those linked to my page had shared, I found myself doing something I often find the need to do, hide other's post from my view. It isn't that I am narrow minded, uptight, or judgmental.  In fact those that know me the best find me to be quite the opposite. It was rather that the things posted were vile, extreme, offensive, rude, inhumane, and the like.

Why do I need to know in detail how an abortion takes place? Why would I want to see pictures of animals suffering? What exactly is accomplished by blasting a political party? How are jokes funny when they are at another's expense? To what end would a post detailing a crime benefit anyone other then the prosecution, judge, and jury? Why would people claiming to follow a God of pure love think it ok to kill animals without need, take away freedom of choice, and judge others so harshly? And why do those who follow one theory try to belittle those who follow another?

I'd like to answer the above questions quickly and precisely ... there is no reason at all.

For unless I plan to preform and abortion or have one, there is absolutely no need for that knowledge! Regarding animal abuse, all I need to know is an animal is suffering to know it is not ok. And if one is a member of a political party, there is probably reasons, whether based in fact or fiction, that led them to that very personal decision and now I hope to change their minds by personally attacking them? I am sorry but unless you are trying to be abusive and break their spirit and soul like an abuser, I have never known that tactic to work.

And when did it become funny that another person is hurting, whether emotionally or physically? When you are in pain, do you find it funny? Where did this total lack of empathy come from?

There are many reasons, studies, theories, opinions, books, and more that I could quote, discuss, or flaunt as I write. Personally though I find an old antique thought from an old antique book to be the simplest most concise answer I in my life have encountered and it is simply this; "As you behold, you become changed" .

No fancy words or long dissertation why. No threats, arguments, or bargaining. No loop holes, Hail Marys, or clauses. Just simple and direct....what you focus on changes you. But changes you how?

Could one argue that knowing these horrible things might discourage me from engaging in the activities, groups, or parties? You could. Would there be truth to it?

I look to history to answer that question. And sadly I don't really have to go very far back. All around me I see and hear evidence to the contrary. Troubled kids cite seeing their families doing drugs or other crimes as to why they have the skills they do. Alcoholics are often children of the same. Addicts often grew up around it or had a "friend" introduce them to drugs. Abusers often come from homes filled with abuse.

To uneducated for your taste? Let's bring it close home then. Most Christians I know are in the  same church their parents, family, or close friends were in. The majority of those with higher education did so because of those around them valuing education. Animal lovers grew up often with pets or someone they looked up to who loved animals. Need I go on?

So it seems obvious that when we focus or behold things that are negative we often become that way and the opposite seems to hold true as well. But how do we know exactly what we should focus on? What should we behold? Thankfully for those of us that like this old antique book there is a simple answer... Things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and praise worthy are the things we should focus on.

Are the things you are sharing, posting, talking, and discussing doing that for you? Are they doing it for others? What do they say about you and your focus? What do they say about you and your God? Or you and your belief system?

There is an old saying " what you win them with is what you win them to". Do I want to win or lead others to abuse, death, prejudices, bashing, anger, arguments, evils, bad politics, crime, slander, and a total lack of empathy?  

And this is for the Christians out there...the rest of you can skip this next paragraph if you want!

Did you ever stop to realize the devil doesn't really need to work very hard when you are lighting up your space with all that's wrong in the world, drawing attention and energy to his work rather then the focus on the beauty and goodness that God helps create and maintain in this world? As you are working yourself and those around you in some frenzy about some atrocity in the world you are ensuring that it is one less moment they might find goodness and the God of Love. And yet one more person who's focus is not where we should be wanting their focus to be. Do you realize which side you are helping?

Do I think you should put blinders on and not notice any thing wrong about you? No. But I do think this world would be much better and our energies more pure if we focused our energy and time on solutions.

If abortion bothers you, then focus on programs that seem to be finding solutions that are honest, just, and pure. Get education, support, love, and mentorship to the group that uses the service the most! Become a big sister! Mentor a young person! Volunteer with groups that are helping young mothers and families to move forward! Promote those groups so others are aware of them! Don't bash girls feeling they need an abortion or the places they find, enable them to have solid and workable solutions!

You don't like animal abuse? Volunteer at a shelter! Foster some pets until good homes are found! Go to schools with therapy animals and educate the children on the wonder and splendor of animals and the wonderful responsibility we as humans have toward them! Vote when appropriate for programs and laws to help. Sign petitions!

The other political party driving you nuts? Then stop wasting your time bashing a party you don't even belong to! Work on your own party! Help with a campaign! Encourage people to vote! Educate yourself on ways to improve the world around you! Sign petitions! Learn the facts and then vote for the changes you believe will truly help! Run for office!

  You don't like someone's religious views? Then live yours! Get involved in a church! Study the Bible or other religious guide seeking to understand and find truth! Make your church or place of worship friendly and welcoming and then invite everyone you can to come! Volunteer at your church! Be the epitome of your beliefs in every way you can! And then realize how hurt or offended you would be if someone bashed or belittled your views and beliefs and stop doing it to others! Now take it one step further, understand how angry you would be if someone tried to force you to follow their beliefs and never do that to another soul!

And then get on your social site and praise and promote all the good and kind things you have found that you believe will make this world a kinder, happier, more loving place!!

The truth is no matter what you believe, what you focus on affects you and changes who you are. Make sure you are becoming a better version of you. Try to draw attention and energy to that which will improve this amazing world we live in!

Behold that which you want to be.

Friday, July 4, 2014

The Fourth Freedom & Judgement

As I watched the beautiful and amazing Fourth of July celebrations I was struck by the difference between the beauty and splendor of these incredible displays and the ugly and disrespectful displays that have been playing out on various social medias. My heart swelled with pride and joy over all the many blessings we here enjoy, but it occurred to me that so many are forgetting why this wonderful country really came about.

Are you ready?

It was to escape and survive the mainstream Christian faith forcing all others to follow and live according to the rules and demands this Christian group decided was truth and therefore within their right to enforce and push these beliefs on others to the point of making laws to enforce them. Eventually and frequently this escalated to murder in the name of God and what was right becoming common place. The religion claimed truth, the bible, and God as their backing and power and used and abused these falsely to control, bully, and manipulate the world about them.

Wanting to escape to a place where they could live as they believed, our forefathers and mothers understood that without making certain that no religion or group, no matter how popular or right they seemed to be, could ever control, bully, or manipulate we would risk history repeating itself yet again.  Their dream was not to impose God on the people who came to this land but instead to deal with them in a way they believed was right and godly. In a way to protect the right of every human being to have freedom of choice and, though not united in beliefs or understand in all things, the belief that if these freedoms were to be maintained, defended, and fought for, this nation under God, not run by God, would succeed.

You see after witnessing the horrors of what man could and would do in the name of religion and truth, they realized that unless all  were seen as equal and all freedoms, as long as they did not directly harm another,  were protected, history would repeat itself. And while yes, they believed in God and the Bible, it was because of these beliefs that they realized how important it was to protect the choices and rights they believed God himself had given and therefore no man or woman had the right to strip away.

Yet here we are, hundreds of years later, supposedly advanced and wiser, fighting over rights and trying in the name of "right" and God to keep others from equality and force religious beliefs on others! It frightens me greatly!

Are we so weak and insecure in our own beliefs that unless others do the same we can not stay true to who we are? Has our God lost His power? Have we forgotten the wheat and the tares must grow together? Did we forget to love our neighbors? To love our enemies?  To love ourselves? When did the sins of someone else become a reason to cast the first stone? Are we not to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's?

So as you ponder and reflect on the freedoms we hold dear and enjoy, please remember that unless we stand up for and protect all rights equally and all humans equally, one day we may not only see history repeat itself but live to regret it. Don't just worry about the freedoms you want and have, but the freedom of others as well. Don't join a group or side because it protects and follows your personal beliefs, follow and join the side of allowing others to do the same. And don't blast others and their groups for what you despise and hate, most likely they are doing exactly what you are doing, so change it up! Promote all you find that is good! Cherish the freedoms you love by ensuring they are available for others too! Fight for the underdog! Believe and support equality for all, not just who you agree with! Love yourself! Love your neighbor! Love your enemy!

I saw it said on social media that "Judge not that you be not judged..." was the cry of the unbeliever. That might be. But I find it sad and ironic that an unbeliever has to be the one to remind us.